Who Bodysurfs?

Everyone should bodysurf! The great thing about bodysurfing Handboarding / Handplaning is it is a great way to get into and learn surfing and the ocean. With Body surfing, you are able to learn the ability to judge the ocean, the waves, all the skills you need to be able to surf well. It is of our opinion that you can't really call yourself a true waterman or woman if you haven't body surfed. But don't just take it from us, Hell what do we know! If you don't believe us maybe you will listen to two of the greatest surfers ever!

Kelly Slater "With Body Surfing you don't take anything for granted! You ride the wave as far as you can, you don't kick out because the barrel stopped. You realize how much room there is out there, even with all the people."

Laird Hamilton "We as a species are connected to the ocean all living thing come from the ocean Body Surfing is a chance to get back to your roots, It's the ability to feel the energy."

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